Gold Country Rotary supports local youth with several awards. Our Community Service Award is for high school seniors that demonstrated a commitment to community service while performing well in academics. Our Douwsma Award is for high school seniors that plan to pursue a vocational career. Our Alan Young Bootstrap Award is given to high school seniors who have overcome adversity to pull themselves up by their "bootstraps" and succeed.
The due date for all applications is March 15, 2018.
You can view/download the applications with the following links.
2018 Community Service Award: documents/en-ca/6219310b-a6af-4083-ab15-b123e2e66f8f/1
2018 Douwsma Award: documents/en-ca/ad63ff15-c98c-47fe-a663-bf9d94704cbb/1
2018 Alan Young Bootstrap Award: documents/en-ca/105499ed-a772-4b04-b97a-aa9754e22025/1